Saturday, 24 September 2011

undercover martyn - actual video

Here i have uploaded the actual video of two door cinemaclub's song undercover martyn. Its a very unusual video, with them being in the air playing there instruments. Its a very performanced based video, which i think is to help show how they are more into the music side of being a band rather than promoting themselfes for fame. Our group however, are trying to create a slightly different video that involves both performance and narrative. I think this would make the video more enjoyable to watch, as it shows a story but also shows that tthere a band who love music.

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Anicillary Task - Planning

Above is the plan for our Ancillary task. We had to use this to make our ancillary task succesful. It includes what track we were going to do, what artist, and the genre we were looking at. It mentions a short profile of the band that notes 'An indie/rock band formed in 2007, that consists of 3 members' etc. We also had to give breif ideas of what we were looking to do in our digipack, and the same with our magazine advert. Its an overall look at what our original ideas were for the ancillary task.

Saturday, 3 September 2011

Contacting the band

Asking for permission on twitter
View more documents from cmccauley7

Above is an image from a social networking site called twitter. I was trying to contact one of the members of the band, in order to ask if i can use their song 'undercover martyn'. I tried contacting Alex Trimble who is lead guitarist and backing vocals. I did this by messaging him through twitter tagging his, mine, lukes and rics name in order to show who wants to use it.